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Dichotomy of anatomy

Is it just a coincidence that dichotomy is defined as a division into two parts, or subdivision into paired halves, while anatomy is the structure of a single living entity?

a collector's edition...

Why must opposites come together to make the whole?

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. - Genesis 2

Given the above cited scripture, it is evident that the dichotomy of anatomy was conceived in the very mind of God, in the beginning. Did he not divide darkness from the light, calling one day and the other, night? There is much in the themes of Lucas Black that hint at this dichotomy of nature, the magnetic polarization of good and evil, truth and justice, wrong and right. Is there absolute truth? Is anything ever, entirely sinister? At what point do monsters become saviors or heroes vile oppressors?

Is Lucas Black a hero? Or rather is he the greatest villain of all time? Only you can say... I choose to believe life is not quite so black and white. And if you don't mind my saying so, apparently I'm not the only one who feels that way.

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