Unfiltered God
Unfiltered God an essay
This essay is written during my first avowed 41-day period of Silence. Still I am only seeing the tip of the iceberg, relating to what it means to observe this Silence. Habakkuk 2:20 assures us, “But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.” To be clear, it is not a physical all-encompassing silence, meaning I refuse to speak outwardly to people who engage me. Rather it is a stillness of the heart, and a deadening of my constant bombardment of thoughts and emotions; it is freedom from worry and concern, freedom from wants, freedom from agendas, criticizing and complaints: silence. It is a shocking realization I have made: that God is in complete and utter control of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS (AND THAT FAILS TO HAPPEN). This is bound to be an unpopular “point of view.” But it is not a point of view at all, it’s the point of view - the only truth. When you realize God is in control of everything you release your needy desire to feel in control by micromanaging the things around you. You can simply stand by quietly and not only accept, but furthermore welcome that which transpires as well as that which does not. It takes a very advanced level of maturity and spiritual growth, but it is heaven on earth if and when arrived at. God is running the show, it has always been his set, his storyline, his settings and characters, saying his lines and starring on His Show. History is His Story. Something terrible happened? It pleased God to allow it. Something “great” didn’t happen? It pleased God to disallow it. Personal accountability? Still 100% yours. Don’t understand this? Then humble yourself and seek the Lord in meekness and in truth: then you will find and know Him for yourself. And that famous “peace which passes all understanding,” shall be yours forever, it shall be yours at last. Anything short of this is just empty religion, which God made flesh came to earth to destroy, forever. God is not made to serve you, your needs, your desires and wants. You were created to serve Him. Until you understand that and begin to live it moment to moment, every day, your life will continue in the disastrous path it has been on, with neither fulfillment, happiness or peace. To know Him and to let Him be God, is to know fulfillment, happiness and peace. Nothing else comes close. There is no substitute for water, there is no substitute for air, there is no substitute for God. Now if you take it to the extent of the ridiculous and say, “since God is in control, and it is always His will that prevails, then I’m just going to let all my responsibilities fall to the floor, and it’ll be God’s fault.” Go ahead and do so my friend, just remember: God is not accountable to you, you are accountable to God. If you let your life fall to the floor He will bless the endeavour, but you will live with the consequences of your actions. We always have, we always will. And in his perfect knowledge and wisdom, this is how He designed it from day zero. But all this accounted for and evermore regardless, it is His perfect will that prevails every time, be it for “personal” evil or good.
Truly yours,
A humble servant of the Lord,
January 10th 2018