4 “Hear ye now, the word of the Lord, all ye that denieth the Lord; all ye that obdurately question his very existence. Listen ye; perk up thine ears and hear ye his word, for I myself utter it, even I. 2 Who are ye, if not mortal flesh? Willest thou then contend with me? 3 Therefore girdest thyself now, and hearken thee, unto my word: 4 for I know all your games, and I am no stranger to your sorceries. Proud and mighty you consider yourself; proud and mighty in the congregation of the saints. 5 In thine heart ye have said, ‘Lo, I am a god, who will detain me? Who can possibly stop me? Who is able to pierce through the treacherous schemes and complots I have devised?’ But in the pride of your callous heart you have forgotten Me; that I am your father and your king. 6 ‘Who is the Lord,’ you ask, ‘what is the Most High? Am I not a lord myself? Who is higher than me?’ Therefore hear now my word, all you who despise my word, and all them that cast behind their backs the very words of my messengers, hearken now, and let thine ears be opened to my rebuke,
7 Ye shall not surely live, but ye shall die. As a snake thrust through with a mighty sword, with a sword wrought in the very heights of heaven, and of the sharpest double-blades; even with this sword will you be thrust through. 8 For you have relied on the craft of your wickedness; you have perverted my words and coopted my message. You have defiled my covenant and made a mockery of my decrees; even before my very face and in the sight of mine own eyes, have you done this. 9 Therefore will all my host; and my holy ones, and the undefiled in the way, and the cleansed remnant of the LORD; even all these; will look upon your ruin and celebrate the cause of your destruction. 10 For as in the sight of all the world you have made a mockery of me, and of my word; so now will all the nations look upon thy lewdness; and upon thy nakedness; and laugh at thine utter ruin, and at thine utter weakness and shame.
11 For once believed ye thyself to be great; even a mighty star of the heavenly constellations; but lo, you are nothing; and have become less than nothing. 12 And you will know shame once again, and you will feel pain and abandon as never before; 13 for the mouth of Abaddon is gaping wide; she thirsts forever; and her hunger can never be quenched. Abaddon thirsts for you; and she will be sated, but for a little while, will she be sated once more. 14 You have considered thyself wise and discerning; you have twisted my words and coopted my message; 15 you have defiled the laws of my angels, and have perverted all the paths to love and to peace, all the ways of justice and mercy; even these have you discarded behind your back. 16 But all the world will see; even the ends of the earth will gaze and acknowledge together; that you are nothing but a worthless and rejected spirit, a liar; a vile plunderer and predator of the defenceless and weak; 17 that you are not indeed wise, and that there has never been one original thought in your mind; 18 but that all you claim to have and all the knowledge you possess you have coopted, corrupted and stolen from me; and that all your evil schemes have backfired with a sevenfold increase upon thyself and upon all thine worthless allies. 19 Ye shall surely die like a man and shall burn like dry chaff; and ye will not be mourned. 20 For all your sorceries and your lies; your evil, perverted thoughts which daily you plant inside the hearts of men; these and all their seed shall die with you; all who adore you and intently follow after all your ways, and all whom you have exalted in thine evil craft; 21 ye shall all burn together, your fire will not be quenched and ye shall all meet thine doom, together. 22 As I live,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “as I live whom ye have unceasingly mocked, even him whom ye continue to mock to this very day; for it is against I myself, and against I myself alone, whom ye have sinned; so will I, myself, pay thee back for thine evil misappropriations and for all thy craft, for all your perversion, and all of your lies and your misdeeds; and millennia upon millennia without end shall ye certainly know the wrath of my vengeance. 23 And whence will thine power be then? When you burn in the cruelly cold depths of my caverns, and are ever consumed in the blazing flames and unrelenting heat of my dungeons, forever? 24 Know of surety that it is to you whom I speak; and that my word stands true forever, and that my word never fails; for I AM THE LORD.”